June Business of the Month is Three Rivers Garden Club
The Three Rivers Garden Club was organized in 1956 and federated with Texas Garden Clubs in 1956 and the National Garden Clubs. According to a recent fb post from a newspaper article from 1968, the club was sponsored by the Mc Mullen County Garden Club. The club fostered beautification of the City Square and Montgomery Park, by the water tower along Highway 72 East. The area has changed over the years. At the present, red planters with lovely plants are planted in the the area. Judy Weber Jendrusch is the caretaker of the park. Soon a commercial park bench will be installed.
The Three Rivers Garden Club is also a member of the South- Central Region, Texas Garden Clubs District VII which has 31 clubs. May 2024 the Three Rivers Garden Club has been in existance for 68 amazing years!
The mission of the garden club is to promote love of gardening, floral design, horticulture, civic responsibility, landscaping, environmental concerns, garden therapy for women, men and children. To encourage participation and support of educational programs. The purpose of the Three Rivers Garden Club is to preserve, protect and conserve the natural resources of the country and maintain and enhance the beauty of our land.
Meetings are usually held the fourth Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church (subject to change in November, December and January). Members enjoy fellowship and a great meal prepared by member hostesses.
A guest speaker or member conducts a program on informative gardening topics enlightening members on creating beautiful landscapes.
Meetings are held to conduct business and activities.
Offices are 2-year positions. 2024-2026 officers are President- Roselyn Dove Burch, VP- Paula Braune, Secretary- Carol McGuire, FB & Publicity- Stephanie Dragon, Treasurer- Judy Weber Jendrusch, Historian-Drusanne Hunter. We have 32 members. Dues are $20.
The club maintains the Memorial Rose Garden Established in 2003 (area between the Pawn Shop & Bluhm Law Office). Drusanne and Clif Hunter do most of the maintenance and planning with the help of volunteers on scheduled workdays. Drusanne is a great landscape planner and is a natural at creating beautiful landscapes. Red and white roses have been planted along the sidewalk. A memorial brick area is also along the sidewalk. Along the wood fence are decorative birdhouses, metal art. Planters of vining pollinator plants to attract butterflies. A birdbath was installed to provide water to birds and bees. Beautiful sunflowers and wildflowers are planted along the wood fence. Along the west side of the sidewalk is a sip planter with plants. Also planted is a sweet almond bush when in bloom has a wonderful fragrance. Pride of Barbados blooms most of the summer and late fall with its beautiful orange and yellow blooms. Planters with cannas, vegetables & herbs, ice plants, salvia and many other plants create beauty in the area.
The GC replants the planters at the City Square as needed. At the present mist flowers, purple heart, purslane, cannas, spider lilies, mint and day lilies are planted. Vinca, pentas and moss rose is planted at the JoAn Booth bench area.
A commercial park bench was added to the city square, in 2022, purchased with funds raised from a fundraiser. Another bench was ordered and will be arriving soon and will be install at the City Square.
These projects would not be possible without the help of their members who donated items for the drawing, buying or selling tickets to the community.
The Three Rivers Garden Club holds the Annual Plant and Bake Sale held the first Friday of May at the Three Rivers City Hall from 7:30 am-1 pm. Members brought baked items, flowers, eggs and many varieties of plants for the community to purchase. The community looks forward to the annual plant sale. “Thank you, community for supporting the GC!”
Members are busy getting plants ready for the next sale. There are quite a few green thumb gardeners in their club!
The GC donates to the LOC Fair, collects pocket change for the LOC Boys & Girls Club TR Branch, (funds collected they purchased a table & bench for the club). They donate gardening books for the TR Branch library for children. A live oak tree is planted at the fairgrounds each year. The club donates to the GC Presidents Book, Contribute to District VII Scholarship Fund, donates to the TGC Spendable fund and helps with donations for GC Conventions. The last two years they participated in the GW Brush Country Market Days at the LOC Coliseum. They also participated in the TR Market Day in October & December.
The May meeting was held at the Oakville Community Center. A wonderful nostalgic place to meet. “Thank you, Albert & Mari Davila.”
The Three Rivers Garden Club will continue to improve the landscape of our community along with the City of Three Rivers.
Their projects couldn’t be done without the members volunteering their time and talents and donations to make a difference in this community. Rose GC president stated, “We hope to leave it better than we found it.”
“The Three Rivers Garden Club hopes to leave a legacy to be enjoyed by future generations.
We all should do our part to make a difference.”
Roselyn Dove Burch, President TRGC
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